Matt Gedye

The BeerDex

"His eyes smouldering, he drained his tankard, smacked his lips and observed that ale was more nourishing than meat for a starving manā€ - Frans G. Bengtsson ā€˜The Long Shipsā€™

An enjoyment of craft beer has been a part of my adult life pretty much from the time I turned eighteen. Though I wouldn't consider myself a big drinker, I have certainly inherited my Dad's love for this marvelous beverage. For me, tasting craft beer is as much about getting a glimpse into the artistry and creativity that goes into brewing as it is about enjoying the taste. Naming it after a Pokedex was my cousin's idea that goes back to our childhood trying to 'catch em all.' This is me trying to 'taste em all' and record them within a very simple 5-point system;
1. Aroma, 2. Taste, 3. Appearence, 4. Feel, 5. Overall Enjoyment.

Last updated 28-July-2024

American Beers
Australian Beers
New Zealand Beers
GABS Beers

American Beers

Bells Brewery

Kalamazoo, MI

Two Hearted IPA

At 7% alcohol and 55 IBU, Two Hearted IPA holds a 3.94/5 rating on Untappd.

Aroma Taste Appearance Feel Overall Enjoyment
hoppy, piney, citrusy, and juicy. But hard to discern which of these is the more obvious of aromas. HOPS! Iā€™ve had hoppier, but theyā€™re there! Interestingly, thereā€™s not much for the tongue to account for the juicy, ā€˜citrusinessā€™ that is on olfactory offer. A perfect fossilised tree sap kind of amber. Quite heavy ā€“ IPAs often are. But itā€™s not so heavy as to be rendered unenjoyable (Iā€™ve certainly had heavier that just werenā€™t worth the effort). Itā€™s an excellent ā€˜sometimesā€™ beer. When Iā€™m in the mood for it, nothing else will suffice. But I can look over it in favour of something different when Iā€™m simply exploring the ā€˜beer isleā€™.

Foothills Brewing

Durham, NC

Festival Express Juicy IPA

At 5.7% alcohol and 35 IBU, Festival Express holds a 3.74/5 rating on Untappd. I love the artwork on the can.

Aroma Taste Appearance Feel Overall Enjoyment
Very fruity. Hard to tell if citrus or not, though. Mango right off the bat. But it gives way to the hops pretty quickly (especially after a good swirl around the mouth). Rich orangey-gold. Like a glass of sparkling fruit juice. Very inviting. Very tropical and juicy. Not too heavy like some juicy / hazy IPAs. Very high refreshment factor. One of my go-to's in the US. A wonderful recommendation from my father-in-law. Definitely a summer beer for me and goes down a treat every time.

Highland Brewing

Asheville, NC

Gaelic Ale

At 5.5% alcohol percentage and 30 IBU, Highland Brewingā€™s Gaelic Ale hold a 3.62/5 rating on Untappd.

Aroma Taste Appearance Feel Overall Enjoyment
Malty for sure. But also toffee and caramel? theyā€™re delicate, but theyā€™re there. The subtle sweetness on the nose has escaped my taste buds. Instead, after a good swirl, I find what seems like a perfect balance of hops and malts, with neither seeming to dominate the sip. This is one of the best looking beers (once itā€™s poured in a glass) that I think Iā€™ve drunk. Itā€™s a beautiful caramel browny-red. Mild in carbonation. The head settles quickly and there is no trace of foam sticking to the glass as I near the bottom. It's very, very smooth. This should be North Carolina's flagship beer. Maybe it already is. It's in my top three favourite US beers. I'm biased towards favouring red ales, but this one is something else.

Lonerider Brewery

Raleigh, NC

Sweet Josie Brown Ale

At 6.1% alcohol percentage and 26 IBU, Lonerider Brewery's Sweet Josie Brown holds a 3.67/5 rating on Untappd.

Aroma Taste Appearance Feel Overall Enjoyment
Bit smokey. Bit malty. Hints of coffee. Definitely malty while not being the smoothest brown ale I've tried. Good balance of hops - perhaps that's what's making it less smooth. It is quite a high alc % too. Very dark for a brown ale. Looks more like a porter or stout. Even when held to the light. Balanced. I went in expecting it to be smoother and the bitter hops are a bit startling at first, but not unwelcome. Some swigs around the mouth and you really get a complete package. Nice lacing on the glass too. A great cold weather beer that paired really nicely with some slow-cooked pulled pork.

Lynnwood Brewing Concern

Bad Leroy Brown Ale

At 5% alcohol and 26 IBU, Lynnwood Brewing concern's Bad Leroy holds a 3.55/5 rating on Untappd.

Aroma Taste Appearance Feel Overall Enjoyment
Chocolate and coffee. Malty, but less so than I expected. No obvious taste of chocolate or coffee though. A rich, dark caramel brown. Smooooth. A bit too chilled out of the tap. 1 or 2 degrees warmer and it would have been perfect. A great cold weather beer.

Australian Beers

4 Pines

Manly, NSW

4 Pines Pale Ale

At 5.1% alcohol and 35 IBU, 4 Pines' Pale Ale holds a 3.59/5 rating on Untappd.

Aroma Taste Appearance Feel Overall Enjoyment
Quite hoppy, but not IPA level hops. Bit citrusy, but you have to look for it. Definitely hoppy - nothing too over the top, though. Mildly citrusy serving as a nice compliment to the hops which are certainly the star of the show. A nice dark gold in colour. Could almost be fooled for an amber ale. Pretty smooth given the lack of malts. Nice lacing on the glass. A very well rounded beer. An excellent example of an Australian take on an American pale ale. Getting up there in alc %, so wouldn't want to get careless, but one easily could, it's very tasty.

Bonehead Brewing

Kensington, VIC

Revered Red Ale

At 4.7% alcohol (with an unknown IBU), Revered Red Ale holds a 3.63 rating on Untappd.

Aroma Taste Appearance Feel Overall Enjoyment
Lovely and malty on the nose. There's a decent whiff of hops here too. The malts are definitely the star of the show. If my eyes were closed I'd actually assume that I was drinking a porter. With each sip I can detect hints of additional sweetness like toffee and caramel. A stunning maple brown with good, solid lacing on the glass and a firm head. It feels a bit heaver than it looks (and than I expected it to be). It's also not as smooth as I expected based on the inviting appearance. But it feels very nicely balanced. This is a great beer. I'm biased towards red ales, they're among my favourites, and while this doesn't quite taste as I expected, it's still excellent.

Mountain Goat Brewing

Richmond, VIC

Tasty Pale Ale

At 4.4% alcohol and 35 IBU, Tasty Pale Ale holds a 3.44/5 rating on Untappd.

Aroma Taste Appearance Feel Overall Enjoyment
Bit fruity, but not much to smell. Very mild citrus and hops. Hoppy, but without much citrus (or any fruit). Kind of like a lager. A wonderful 'beary' amber. Quite zesty despite the lack of citrus, and very refreshing. Good lacing on the glass - again, quite 'lagery'. A new one for me by Mountain Goat that I either hadnā€™t tried or it hadnā€™t been released before I left for the US. Itā€™s a great mid-week beer. Doesnā€™t try to be anything other than a stock standard pale ale.

Very Enjoyable Beer

At 4.2% alcohol and 22 IBU, Very Enjoyable Beer holds a 3.31/5 rating on Untappd.

Aroma Taste Appearance Feel Overall Enjoyment
Mildly citrusy and a bit piney with a bit of zing. Very tropical Tropical for sure. A bit sweet, but balanced with piney hops Pale gold. Very crisp, light and refreshing. Not much in the way of head or lacing on the glass. A perfect post-run beer on a Friday. Very sessionable. Great warm weather beer. I've consumed many a Very Enjoyable while sitting in the sun chewing the fat with friends.

Sailors Grave Brewing

Orbost, VIC

Lighthouse Oatmeal Stout

At 5% alcohol (with an unknown IBU), Lighthouse Oatmeal Stout holds a 3.59/5 rating on Untappd.

Aroma Taste Appearance Feel Overall Enjoyment
The first whiff offers up what smells like roasted chocolate. It's very inviting. A delightful hybrid of roasted malts with a hint of chocolate. Jet black. Very dark. The darkest beer I've seen in a long time in fact. Minimal head and lacing - it's too smooth - just slides down the glass. Very smooth on the mouthfeel too. I'm not a big stout kind of operator, but I like this one. Especially in this moment while it's pouring rain and very windy outside. A very comforting beer. I only have one on hand. I wish I had another.

Sea Bird Coastal Hazy Pale Ale

At 5.2% alcohol (with an unknown IBU), Sea Bird Coastal Hazy Pale Ale holds a 3.7/5 rating on Untappd.

Aroma Taste Appearance Feel Overall Enjoyment
Smells very tropical with some piney notes as well. The fruits giving off the aroma are less obvious on the tongue. It's dry and crisp. Not what I was expecting, but it's very refreshing and tasty. Not as cloudy as I thought it might be. It's very pale, like a lemonade. Dry and crisp. Nothing like the juicy feel of a typical hazy. Not much in the way of head or lacing on the glass. This has taken me by surprise in a good way. I was expecting something juicy and heavy like a stock standard east coast IPA. Instead it's crisp and very refreshing. I like it a lot.

Stomping Ground Brewery

Collingwood, VIC

Gipps St Pale Ale

At 5.2% alcohol (with an unknown IBU), Gipps Street Pale Ale holds a 3.63/5 rating on Untappd.

Aroma Taste Appearance Feel Overall Enjoyment
Citrusy and passion fruit. No obvious hops on the nose. Very passion fruity with the hops nicely hitting the back of both sides of the tongue. But they're nicely balanced and don't over do it. Rich golden amber. Great Carbonation. Not heavy at all, but probably not all that sessionable either. One of Australiaā€™s best pale ales. Certainly one of my favourites. An absolutely delightful beer.

Stone & Wood Brewing Co.

Byron, QLD

Hinterland Big Pale Ale

At 5.6% alcohol (with an unknown IBU), Hinterland Big Pale Ale holds a 3.74/5 rating on Untappd.

Aroma Taste Appearance Feel Overall Enjoyment
Passion fruit and hops right out the gate. Smells very tropical. Very juicy. Just like a hazy IPA, but with less intense hops. Can definitely taste the passion fruit too. Doesn't look like a hazy in the glass, but it is cloudy. Not much in the head, but the lacing is pronounced. It looks headache-inducing - the kind of beer where simply one will do, but is deceptively lighter than I expected. That's not to say it's light on the feel though. I've never heard of a big pale ale before. Based on this though, I would say it's half way between a pale ale and a hazy IPA, so maybe that's what a big pale ale is. Winter is perhaps not the best time to be sampling this beer, but as it's from Byron Bay, where it's always sunny, perhaps it is appropriate for winter. I like it. But I don't love it.

New Zealand Beers

Garage Project Brewing

Wellington, NZ

Ghost Light Hazy IPA

At 5% alcohol (with an unknown IBU), Ghost Light Hazy IPA holds a 3.77/5 rating on Untappd.

Aroma Taste Appearance Feel Overall Enjoyment
Piney with very subtle notes of tropical fruits. I can't quite work out what the fruits are. It's got a bit of a zest to it, but the hops are most noticeable. Cloudy and hazy, just like a typical New England Hazy. Zesty. Also quite light for an IPA. Minimal head and lacing. Not my favourite of the IPAs I've tried. I tend to lean more towards west coast IPAs anyway. I do like that it's light and only 5% alcohol. I've had a few headache-inducing east coast IPAs over the years.

GABS Beers

2024 Festival Beers

Beer Aroma Taste Appearance Final Thoughts
Clifton Hill Brewing's Honey Gum Red IPA It's got a distinctive red ale smell. Very hoppy and a bit mediciny. A very inviting crimson red. Underwhelming given my enthusiasm for red ales. But it wasn't terrible.
The Brew Baron Beer Co.'s Cocoa Comet Very chocolaty. Overwhelming chocolate. Can barely taste anything else. Rich chocolaty brown. Have I mentioned chocolate? It wasn't great. Wouldn't have wanted a full pour.
Temple Brewing Co.'s Grape Ale Very subtle grape aroma. A strange hybrid of beer and red wine. Pale red, like a rosƩ. I think I was expecting something more like a grape flavoured sour. This was just a beery prosseco. It wasn't nice.
Kaiju Beer's Krushberry Pi 3.142% All I can smell is 'sour.' Very sour, and lots of berry. Like a red soft-drink. Apparently I pulled a face like Homer when he steals the sour gum ball in the sixth season of the Simpsons. I really enjoyed it, though. It was the pick of the paddle for sure.
Freshwater Brewing Co.'s Paradise Pils Very lagery on the nose. Tastes just like a pilsner. Quite hoppy, but nothing too intense. A very inviting pale gold. I liked this one. It was a good palette cleanser, but was also just a solid beer all round.
Bubs Beer's Blackberries, Blueberries, and Sour Patch Kids! Mildly fruity. Fruit much more obvious on the tongue. Sour too. Pale pink and fizzy. My only note is "I could session on this." I guess I enjoyed it.
3 Griffins Brewing's High Carb White IPA Very fruity. 'IPA' is misleading. Doesn't taste like one at all. More like guava juice. Looks like the haziest hazy IPA I've ever seen. What on earth is a 'white IPA?' Surprisingly, this gets better with every sip.
Blackflag Brewery's Nitro Citrus Blood Orange Chocolate Porter Maximum chocolate. Zero orange. Bit of orange on the taste buds and very smokey. Dark, dark crimson. Another that improves with each sip. It's deceptively light too. I expected this to be much fuller.
Hop Hen Brewing's Dubbel Dutch Quite fruity. And smells a lot like a red ale. Fair bit of spice to it, but I can't work out what. A very aesthetically pleasing copper colour. Very smooth. I don't normally like dubbels. It tastes way better than I expected it would.
Broulee Brewhouse's Rose Petal Raspberry Sour Smells very sour. Perfectly sour to taste. Not too little, not too much. A fizzy cloudy pink. Very tasty. Would be happy to have a full pour of this one.
Frenchies Brewery's Aurora Australis Wonder Ale Definite red ale vibes on the nose. Bit of a mediciny taste initially. And a singe down the back of the throat on the way down - like a shot of bourbon. Dark amber in appearance. Nice and smooth, but quite heavy. Would be tough to have more than a glass of this one.
Noisy Minor's Angry Fish Notice malts immediately on the first sniff. Heavy coffee taste and smoky too. Very dark. Almost completely black. I chose this one based on the name. Not my usual kind of style, but I don't mind this one.
Soapbox Beer's The Sanga Smells like bread and bubblegum. Definite bread. Definite jelly (jam for us Aussies). Definitely no peanut butter. A very fizzy pale pink. A PB&J without the PB. Swing and a miss.
Beereratine Brewing's Sparkling Saison Noir Weird. I can't smell a thing. Very mediciny on the taste buds and feels watered down. A flat pale orangey pink. Yuk.