Matt Gedye

The Coffee Table

(This is a 'now' page inspired by Derek Sivers and nownownow).

I've called it The Coffee Table because growing up, when my parents had guests around for a catch-up, they would often sit around the coffee table. It was also the place in the house where whatever was most interesting to them in the moment accumulated, such as photo albums. Some of my biggest interests and hobbies include listening to music, sampling craft beer and I love to read. I'm currently reading:
American Gods by Neil Gaiman.

Updated: 2024-09-04 from Melbourne, Australia


Winter in Melbourne. Photo taken from the Yarra Boulevard on an afternoon drive. 17th June 2024

Recent News:

What I'm Working On:


In addition to the studies that comprise my PhD project, I've begun immersing myself in bioinformatics. I sit with Bioinformatic Data Skills for two hours every morning, alongside practice genomic data sets from colleagues, so I can practice using the software and Unix commands recommended by the book.


Archiving and full liberation from the cloud. Much of the last four or so months has been spent pulling everything (documents, photos, music etc) off various cloud services and re-naming and re-organising them on my personal computer before backing them up to my server. It's tedious and time consuming because my previous filing systems (on computers and on the cloud) had no organisational structure. I'm getting close to the end and it's very satisfying.